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boat upholstery

Boat Upholstery 101: How to Clean and Maintain to Achieve a Long Life

When selecting boat upholstery materials, two popular choices stand out: marine vinyl and durable PVC vinyl. Marine vinyl is a top pick due to its ability to resist moisture, UV rays, and mildew. Its durability ensures that it can withstand the harsh marine environment while providing a comfortable seating surface.

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paint the bottom of a boat

How to Best Paint The Bottom of a Boat

A fresh layer of paint prevents various aquatic organisms from calling your hull home. Without it, you could find barnacles, algae, and other unwelcome guests latching on, slowing your boat down and affecting fuel economy.

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how to adjust throttle cables on boat

How to Adjust Throttle Cables on Boats 101: Best Guide

If you’ve ever taken the helm of a boat, you know that the journey is only as smooth as the vessel’s responsiveness to your commands. At the heart of this control lies a critical component: the throttle cable.

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boating flooring

Replacing Boating Flooring 101: The Best How-To Guide

Embarking on a journey to replace your boat’s flooring can be quite the adventure, and like any good voyage, it starts with understanding your options. So, let’s dive into the different types of boating flooring materials available and how choosing the right one can enhance your nautical excursions.

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boat decking

#1 Best Boat Decking: How to Replace Yours

When it comes to selecting the right material for your boat’s deck, there’s a variety to choose from, each with its unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s dive into the most common types.

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boat painting

Choosing Your #1 Boat Paint: Best Types and Applications

Article Views: 7 Introduction to Boat Paint Imagine the vast blue expanse of the ocean, and in it, your boat cutting through the waves with grace and ease. But what protects this vessel from the relentless saltwater and organisms eager to cling to its hull? That’s where the magic of boat paint comes into play. […]

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tie the knot

Tie The Knot 101: Mastering Essential Knots for Boating Made Easy

Knot tying is a skill that is as ancient as humanity itself. Over the centuries, it has evolved into a critical knowledge area to tie the knot for various activities, boating being one of the most prominent. In the world of boating, knots serve as the fundamental connectors between the boat, its crew, and the environment. T

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boat decals replacement

Replacing Boat Decals: The Ultimate Way to Revitalize Your 1 of a Kind Boat

Imagine your boat gliding through the water, the sun reflecting off its polished surface. Now imagine that same scene but with faded and peeling decals marring that picture-perfect image. These small yet significant details can speak volumes about the care and pride you take in your marine craft.

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boat for sale craigslist

Boat for Sale Craigslist: 7 Crucial Tips for Buyers to Consider Before Purchasing!

Buying a boat is a significant investment, and when you’re searching through listings on Craigslist, it’s crucial to know what to look for. The key is to focus on listings that provide detailed descriptions and clear images. Look for signs of transparency in the seller’s post, such as a complete list of any issues with the boat and its maintenance history.

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how to clean boat carpet

How to Clean Boat Carpet: A Complete Guide!

Keeping boat carpets clean is important for several reasons. Dirty carpets can harbor mold, mildew, and bacteria that lead to unpleasant odors and potential health hazards. They also simply look bad and detract from the overall aesthetic of the boat’s interior.

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